Customer Service Representatives - Job Desription

Accountable for serving as a link which connects customers of a company and company itself customer service representatives are very important and responsible part of each business. Their main tasks are to help with customers’ issues, problems, purchases, requests, glitches, blunders, queries, concerns, payments...

In order to do this part of job correctly, they must have highly developed skills which are described in this article. Let's see what the main responsibilities of customer service representatives are:

  • "Know How" of taking care of customers issues by using telephone, mail and other communication channels such are chat and accounts on social sites.
  • Make customers feel welcome with any issue they have and for any reason they are contacting customer service, even those "radioactive"
  • Provide assistance with client’s orders, replacements, refunds...
  • Taking care of customers accounts in database, update certain important info or even delete accounts.
  • Collect important information about customers related to orders, such are address of delivery and phone number, together with other personal information for each customer
  • Provide customers with information regarding warranties of particular product or service
  • Recommend alternatives each time a product or service does not work properly
  • Always try to convince customer not to cancel order or take refund, and keep customers linked to company
  • Directly sell companies products, which requires good understanding of products and services that company offer.
  • Provide customers information about current promotions and sails.

Those are some of the basic and general requirements for representatives. Each company will have their own added to this as their particular field of business requires.

Taking care of each customer is essential part of representative job, since if you don't care about them, your competitors will for sure.

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